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Handcrafted soul creations

Meet the designer

hello to you, welcome!

My name is Roshelle - It's lovely to meet you. I am so happy you've stopped by!

Let's grab a cup of something cozy and dive in...

I help soul-aligned people to release layers of inner stickiness that deregulates their nervous system, perpetuates anxiety, and creates discordant belief systems. This helps them to realign their energetic blueprint with beauty, grace and joy, and embody deep states of worthiness, empowerment, inner peace, self-trust, and self-love.

I bring these qualities into my creation process by utilizing the metaphysical healing properties of specific crystals combined with neuropsychological principles to help the wearer begin to change their frequency from the inside out. By focusing on inner frequency resonance, the outer frequency begins to shift. It becomes possible to embody the qualities the wearer desires to experience in the outer world and attract more of what they resonate with. When we change the experience we have in the world, our relationship with life changes. The world we inhabit changes.

The cycle of change starts with each of us. Be the change.

Roshelle celeste, M.A.

Self-Love & Embodiment Coach & Facilitator

Crystalline healing Jewellery & Design

By changing our relationship with our inner experience, we change our experience with the world we live in.



Genji represents a recognition of our Divine Nature

Source - Healing - Peace

The energy of genji has held a deeply personal space for me my whole life. It's name used daily for years.

It has been a reflection of the path I've walked to recognize the wisdom that is laid down with every step taken.

The wisdom gained through life's initiations. Through painful moments and rites of passage.
It is a deep sense of reclaiming my inner authority through the moments of rebirth.


healing jewellery

Each Crystal Healing Jewellery piece is handcrafted and works with the natural variations within each crystal, giving you a subtly unique creation to enjoy every day.

The crystals for each creation are chosen to work cohesively together, enhancing the flow of communication between each crystal, your energy field and body.

Each piece has been cleared and programmed to work with it's natural energies and assist you in shifting towards your goal of embodying new frequencies.


To choose the right piece of jewellery for you, follow your heart or gut response.
You may be attracted to a particular stone.
You may be attracted to a particular statement.
You may feel a particular combination aligns with the goals you've set for yourself.

However you receive your personal nudge is perfect.

Wear art that will change your life!

the crystal gallery

Physical tools to anchor in new frequencies for the shifts you're seeking.

I Am Love & Balanced Collection

Embody Self-Love and watch it become reflected in the rest of your Garden of Life.

I Am Grounded & Protected Collection

Embody your Boundaries and grow your sense of safety.

I Am Connected & Intuitive Collection

Tap into your Intuition and connect with your guides and helpers.

I Am Abundance & Flow Collection

Grow your roots and connect with the deep nurturing force beneath your feet.