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quantum healing &
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beautiful, intuitive soul

UNLOCK YOUR BIRTHRIGHT FOR UNCONDITIONAL SELF-LOVE & ACCEPTANCE AND create your life from a place of beauty, grace & joy

roshelle celeste

aligned life is waiting



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@ RoshelleCeleste

My passion is supporting people in their transformation. I love witnessing the healing and release of what is in the way of truly claiming what's possible.

I've been using energy healing practices for most of my life, but was craving more structure and the ability to explain what was happening. Enter psychology!

My master's degree in counselling and spirituality was foundational to taking me to the next level, yet, when working with people as a psychotherapist, I found I was yearning for something more wholistic to support people.

I found through combining healing practices with coaching and utilizing my foundation in psychology, I could help people access those parts within them that were holding them back.

If you are seeking support to embody more self love and empowerment, it would be my honour to facilitate this for you.

Roshelle Celeste, M.A.

Self Love & Empowerment
M.A. Psychology

Coach - Healer - channel
healing Jewellery designer

Using energy to Create
a bridge between
the mind, heart & Soul

Hey! I'm Roshelle 💖

“I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”

– Brené Brown -

create your reality from a place of self love

It's time to tap into the depth of your inner power and experience the gifts and wisdom you are here to embody.

Your frequency is the language used to speak your desires to the Universe. It's your patterns of consciousness from which you perceive the world around you. It's made up of your default programming, your emotions, thoughts, values, what you believe, and the meaning that you give to that which happens in your life.

Your inner frequency creates the identity through which life unfolds to support you.
What are you creating right now?

Craft your reality from a place of deeply loving yourself. Create a life that inspires you.


“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”

- Lucille Ball -


Programs & memberships

Surround yourself with kindred souls who witness you, support you, and celebrate you as you heal shadows, raise your vibration and welcome all of yourself home.

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One on One

Private sessions

Get the deepest level of support while diving into releasing energy blocks, aligning authentically with your highest version, and raising your overall vibration.

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heart alchemy

a straight up warm hug



experience the magic

roshelle's community portal

The Community Portal is a place where you can meet kindred souls. Where you get to be your magical, authentic self.

It's the hub for where you can dive into the latest from Roshelle's channelled insights and musings.

And it's where you can be part of the change - join us in a monthly gathering to send prayers and healing energy & love and compassion out into the collective through our combined intention.

Why not be part of an environment that supports your authentic self?

Join us

If I were to ask you to name all that you love,
how long would it take for you to name yourself?

"I Feel Like a Changed Man"

praise from people who said yes to themselves

Before working with Roshelle, I felt disconnected from my body, from my emotions and even my spirituality. Now I feel like a changed man; there's less pain in my body, my energy levels have skyrocketed, and my relationships with family and friends have become deeper and truer.

I’m now experiencing less resistance to claiming my voice and my power, and I feel that my whole state of being has changed!

Incredibly, it changed my relationship with my mother, probably 10 fold better! Now, instead of arguing and being dismissive of each other, we’re both opening up and showing deeper affection and love.

- Kim




More testimonials

raise your vibration

Let go of old patterns that aren't serving you anymore and activate new frequencies in your life that really light you up

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"You can get to where you want to be from wherever you are - but you must stop spending so much time noticing and talking about what you do not like about where you are."

- Esther Hicks -