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my clients say it best

Gifts of love & praise from people I've worked with.

love notes & testimonials




from people who said yes to themselves

"I feel more confident and my income has increased by 25%"

For a long time, I have carried the story of having a painful childhood and couldn’t assert healthy boundaries in relationships. I was in a pattern of over giving to others at the expense of myself making me exhausted. In one of my sessions with Roshelle where we were activating my quantum radiance, my perspective instantly shifted and I started seeing life more positively. Now when I look back into my childhood, I remember the positive adventures I had growing up. Even in moments of stress and triggering events, I’m able to maintain my center and choose a response that empowers me. I feel more confident. Even in the last 2 weeks, my income has increased by over 25%!

- Diane Pryzmus, Intuitive Strategy & Business Coach

"I feel like a changed man - All of my relationships have improved!"

Before working with Roshelle, I felt disconnected from my body, from my emotions and even my spirituality. Now I feel like a changed man; there's less pain in my body, my energy levels have skyrocketed, and my relationships with family and friends have become deeper and truer. I’m now experiencing less resistance to claiming my voice and my power, and I feel that my whole state of being has changed! Incredibly, it changed my relationship with my mother, probably 10 fold better! Now, instead of arguing and being dismissive of each other, we’re both opening up and showing deeper affection and love.

- Kim

"My life is better than ever... It's like a whole new world opened up for me!"

I highly recommend working with Roshelle to shift key deep-seated patterns and limiting beliefs and step into a new relationship with yourself! I had such profound shifts in multiple areas of my life from my session with Roshelle. Immediately after my session, felt connected to my higher self. Since the session, I can stand in my truth in a way that honours my experience, and speak from this place without guilt, fear or shame. This has reduced my anxiety significantly since I no longer over-plan or overthink situations- instead I trust my inner voice and confidently speak with care from that place in the moment.  

As a result, I'm now able to let go of situations much quicker than before and I've stopped feeling responsible for taking care of everyone else's stuff! With this, my sleep has improved too. I used to spend hours at night processing my day, but now I'm sleeping deeper and I'm dreaming again!

- Dr. Angeli Chitale, ND

"My very first session with Roshelle was awesome - I was blown away by how accurate her readings were!"

My very first session with Roshelle was awesome! I couldn't believe my ears when she described to me a project I'm working on, using the exact words I use to describe it! No one else in the world knows about this project. I was blown away that she tapped into this information. I started our second session feeling unmotivated and overwhelmed with the enormity of fitting in time to start writing a special book, especially with so many other priorities in my life. Let me just say, Roshelle continued to astound me without a the accuracy and her powerful clearings. As I experienced her Heart-Fire Session, I felt the energy very strongly as issues were being cleared out. By the end of the session, not only was I feeling excited to get started and ideas were just bombarding me, but I felt such a deep and profound connection with the Divine. I highly recommend booking your session with Roshelle!

- Eram Saeed, Creator of From Heartache to Joy Global Telesummit

"I was afraid of people... Roshelle helped me re-awaken love for myself and others."

All my life, I have had a phobia of people. I was afraid of everyone, even several members of my family. I would almost have a "panic attack" when faced with a conversation. This was crippling for all my relationships, and I felt very lonely. The times I felt the most lonely was not when I was alone, but when I was with others. So the best thing for me seemed to spend much of my life by myself. Roshelle helped me and something shifted. In only a couple of sessions, she helped clear up about 90% of my fears. I now feel much more relaxed in my own skin and with others.

Helped me re-awaken love for myself and others.

- Jean Campbell

"Reverse engineered my life!"

Helped me regain my life back. I have suffered for years and years, and have earlier tried so many modalities.My first session was awesome and powerful. I can't forget the feeling when she was dialed in as they say, and I was in for the ride of my life, spiritually, emotionally, physically. Within a few sessions with Roshelle, my family really started to notice a difference in my attitude, my emotional balance, my mental clarity. It reverse engineered my emotions and my locked in thought patterns. I had no idea it was that simple and easy, and permanent to remove them. Shift happens. Be open to the possibility.

- KD

"While digging into my painful past... I discovered a net of love!”

While Digging Into My Painful Past it brought me awareness to what's been holding me back from living and expressing my authenticity. Among the darkness I Discovered a Net of Love. Roshelle's approach is gentle and direct. She is able to see the root of what is manifesting your life now and shine a light, bringing to the surface that which is difficult to dig into on one's lonesome. She captures those limiting beliefs holding you back from your truth!

- Astaria, Founder of Light of Sound

"I'm living the best year for me ever”

What drew me to work with you is your fearless acceptance of what is and who you are with on our calls. I felt accepted and understood by you. I felt your love, care and your calmness. Combined with your angelic voice, made me make my choice.

Thank you again Roshelle for helping me through hard times! My life is amazing now, I love it. I am learning who I am every day and I like myself.

Life is good and I am happy! This year has been the best year for me personally so far. I love it!

- Tatiana Kalistratova